Otixo mybooklive
Otixo mybooklive


If disks are inserted in both bays, the disk in the right bay is assigned /dev/sda, the disk in the left bay /dev/sdb.


This how to video is performing the steps explained here with some brief performance reviewĬontrary to Western Digital documentation and nomenclature, the MBL Duo hardware enumerates its SATA ports beginning from the right: When viewed from the front, SATA port 0 is located in the right bay (“Drive B” in the manual), SATA port 1 in the left bay (“Drive A” in the manual). This allows default partitions in future versions to expand without the danger of overwriting the beginning of an additional partition. For this reason it is sensible to start additional partitions not completely flush to the default partitions but rather with a bit of buffer inbetween (for example, starting the 3rd partition at sector 2097152, 1GB into the disk). The change in the default rootfs partition size with OpenWrt 21.02 suggests that the size of the default partitions should be considered somewhat variable. The correct way is to create one or more additional partitions using fdisk (MBR) or gdisk (GPT for disks larger than 2TB) and, using fstab, mount them into the file system where needed. It is tempting to simply enlarge the second (“rootfs”) partition to the end of the disk, but you would lose the ability to sysupgrade later - sysupgrade would reset the partition to its default size and you would lose all additional data. The My Book Live being a NAS, you will probably want to use the rest of your significantly larger disk. (Prior to OpenWrt 21.02 the rootfs partition was larger at 256 MiB.)


Number Start (sector) End (sector) Size Code Name Writing OpenWrt 21.02 or later to a disk creates two default partitions:


You can now proceed to configure OpenWrt to your liking, add further partitions to the disk and install additional packages. Like with other single-port OpenWrt devices, the ethernet port will by default be assigned to the LAN interface with static IP and serving DHCP. If you choose the wrong device, you may accidentally overwrite your system disk or another disk you may care about, so double and triple check to make sure you are writing to the correct disk. You will lose all existing data on the target disk. Warning: This overwrites the target disk with a new MBR (master boot record) and a new partition table. Replace /dev/sdx with the actual device the MBL disk is attached to. This usually requires root privileges on your system. Write this image file to the MBL disk using img.gz file to receive the image file ending in.

otixo mybooklive

Remove the disk from its enclosure (the right handside “Drive B” disk on MBL Duo) and connect it to a host computer running Linux, probably and most conveniently using a SATA-to-USB adapter. Beginning in 19.07 there is only one firmware image that works with both Single and Duo variants.) (Note: Up to OpenWrt 18.06, firmware images existed in two flavors, duo for the Duo and “not-duo” for the Single.

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Use the factory image for an initial installation, the sysupgrade image is intended for updates. Download the OpenWrt firmware image to your host computer.

Otixo mybooklive